Welcome to prognosisresearch.com
aiming to improve prognosis & prediction research in healthcare
This website serves as a companion to the book “Prognosis Research in Healthcare: Concepts, Methods and Impact”
This website aims to provide:
entry-level information for those interested in prognosis research methods and good practice
a framework to help you plan, carry out and evaluate prognosis research in healthcare
guidance on prognosis research methods, including links to key papers and presentations
videos of recent talks & webinars from experts in the field, covering emerging topics, methods and controversies
a catalogue of latest research articles, to help researchers keep up-to-date with new methodology
links to training courses, summer schools and conferences in prognosis and prediction research
Our drive to improve prognosis research stems from the PROGRESS (PROGnosis RESearch Strategy) partnership.
PROGRESS brought together a group of healthcare professionals, researchers and journal editors to develop a coherent framework for prognosis research.
An introductory video can be found here.
Key outputs of PROGRESS include:
the PROGRESS framework for prognosis research, published in four linked papers in 2013 in the BMJ and PLOS Medicine covering: overall prognosis (PDF); prognostic factors (PDF); prognostic models (PDF); and predictors of treatment effect (PDF).
published recommendations for improving transparency in prognosis research (PDF)
our International Summer School: Prognosis Research in Healthcare which runs every year
our training course: Statistical Methods for Risk Prediction & Prognostic Models, which runs at least twice per year.
our textbook: Prognosis Research in Healthcare: concepts, methods and impact, with Oxford University Press
On this website, we disseminate the PROGRESS framework and good methodology standards, along with new and emerging methodology outputs, to encourage better prognosis & prediction research in practice.
The website is managed by Prof Richard Riley and Dr Kym Snell
For suggestions, feedback & further information please,
email Prof Richard Riley or Dr Kym Snell
tweet @Richard_D_Riley or @Kym_Snell