Predictors of treatment effect research
Tutorials & overviews
Prognosis research strategy (PROGRESS) 4: stratified medicine research (PDF)
A tutorial on individualized treatment effect prediction from randomized trials with a binary endpoint (PDF)
IPD meta‐analysis to examine interactions between treatment effect and participant‐level covariates (PDF)
The Predictive Approaches to Treatment effect Heterogeneity (PATH) Statement (PDF)
The PATH Statement Explanation and Elaboration Document (PDF)
Prognosis research strategy (PROGRESS) 4: Stratified medicine research (PDF)
Meta-analytical methods to identify who benefits most from treatments: daft, deluded, or deft approach? (PDF)
Recent articles
Meta-analysis of continuous outcomes: using pseudo IPD created from aggregate data to adjust for baseline imbalance and assess treatment-by-baseline modification (PDF)
Investigating treatment-effect modification by a continuous covariate in IPD meta-analysis: an approach using fractional polynomials (PDF)