Sample size for prediction model research
Prof Richard Riley provides the following talk on "Sample size calculations for clinical prediction model research (goodbye rules of thumb)" in the following short (~16min) video.
An extended talk was given to the MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge, entitled "PROGRESS in sample size calculations for clinical prediction model research" and is available to view here. And a workshop talk on the topic is given here. Related papers are shown here.
Dr Joie Ensor gave the following talk on "Building and validating prediction models: An overview of sample size guidance and the pmsampsize package". He discusses some of the considerations when deciding how much data is ‘enough’ when looking to i) develop a new clinical prediction model (CPM) and ii) validate an existing CPM. Further, he showcases his Stata software pmsampsize.
Prof Richard Riley provides the following talk on "Sample size calculations for external validation of a clinical prediction model". Related papers are shown here.
Lucinda Archer gave the talk "Minimum sample size for external validation of a clinical prediction model with a continuous outcome" for the MEMTAB 2020 conference, as follows. The corresponding paper is now published (PDF):
Dr Kym Snell gave the following short talk on "Simulation-based sample size calculations for studies externally validating a prediction model" for MEMTAB 2020. The corresponding paper is now published (PDF):